WheN whiMs aRe rEaLiSeD

WheN whiMs aRe rEaLiSeD
It was 20:35 Swedish local time. I was at Lidl, the ecomomy store at Akalla, from where most of the students and immigriants in Stockholm purchase food stuffs and stationeries. With me was my friend Sunil, previously we seldom talked but now we are almost like a couple (We are normal human beings). Then suddenly he wanted that our dinner should be chicken. Just listening to the golden words i was almost jumping in air. I know it is only me out of the 6 guys who has dared previously to make chicken curry, and i shall be responsible for the chicken affair today also. But this time we had greater expectations and aspirations. We wanted to make tandoori chicken. And obviously he was expecting me to make the chicken better than the previous servings. Searching for the racks of LIDL where we could get our favourite chicken wings, i was trying to recall the number of times i had taken tandoori. I realised i could count them in my hands. It was less than half a dozen. And trying to make something and that too for self consumption and that too of a non veg is a very very risky affair. As many a experiments like the introduction of butter, french fries, chocolates and etc etc in the daily diet of 6 Indians in Stockholm, i took this with a dare divil attitude. And there we were, handing over 15 Kronas (around 90 rupees) to the shop keeper for the one kilo chicken we had just purchased. Luckily on our way back we met one of our Bulgarian friends DOBRIN, a amateur at chicken preparation, but has succeded a few times. I followed his instructoins verbatim. The chicken is to be de freezed, given a layer of salt, chilli and dhania powder. It was then to be put into the Bosch oven in Rahul’s room. Its tray was first given a coating of oil. Then the chicken put into it for a period of around 45 minutes at 200 degree celcius…..And finally we put into the thermodynamic system onions topped with salt and chilli. And believe me, the first tandoori was a blast…..I could not believe what i was eating. I was happy not becaouse i was eating the food of god but the food that willl keep my mind busy for the next few month. The best part of the entire story is i feel it was not a accident. The chicken experiment it seems is reproducible. I will make it again. Cheers to me. Looking forward to more experiments and more successes.

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